Semmie's Signature Set
Semmieke Rothenberger, successful dressage rider and part of #teamfritzundfrodewin from the beginning, presents her favorite brushes in a very special special edition: Semmie's Signature Set .
This is what you can expect in the set:
- Fur shine brush “LUDWIG” and root brush “FRIEDA” : Two bestsellers that shine in a new design – refined with the logo of Semmieke and Fritz&Frodewin
- Stylishly packaged : Packed in fine tissue paper and a pretty fabric bag with the logo of the special edition make the set something very special
- Personal greeting : A hand-signed autograph card from Semmieke is included in each set
The Golden Ticket* : With a little luck, the Golden Ticket is hidden in one of the sets! The winner will receive an exclusive online lesson with Semmieke
*Note : The Golden Ticket is only in one set and is not included in every set.
Exclusive and limited:
The set is strictly limited. Grab it quickly before it's sold out!
We look forward to seeing you!
Semmieke and Fritz&Frodewin